Back on Track/ Sharla’s brain tumor Monday

Well Monday morn we got up super early so we would be the first ones at the MRI machine. Sharla had a terrible migraine from thee spinal tap she had recieved at the ER. As it was when we got to radiology we had to wait for those with appts. as  met we were being fit in indirectly from the ER. It was about ten o’clock when they finally got Sharla in. The technician let Mark go back with Sharla and sit beside her. Even though they were only imagining her head this was back in the “olden days” when the machine was slow and super super noisy. Mark helped Sharla to remain calm and to hold perfectly still. At the end the tech assured us that everything looked fine from her her point of view but of course the images still had to be read by the radiologist. We were given an appointment with our primary care doctor for the last appt of the day.

Well Sharla slept most of the day which was good because this was the day her older sister Angela was moving out to the college dorms. Mark and I spent the the day moving boxes. Well it was finally time to take Sharla to the doctors. We were feeling pretty good and thought the whole seizure thing must of just been a fluke. When we got to the Drs. office it was still pretty full and Sharla still had the migrane so she laid down across tthe row of seats.One by one we watched the other patients come and go. Wondering why we had to wait so long. Finally they called our name (no one else was left in the waiting room) and the nurse led us back to a doctor we had never met before.

The dr meet us in his office not in the exam room. He told us he had something very serious to  talk to us about. He said he barely understood the details and we would have to see a specialist to explain it to us. Then he dropped the bomb- Our daughter had a large rare BRAIN TUMOR!!!  He had no other details for us as he said it was very complicated but he gave us the name of two neurosureons to choose from. We had no idea at this point if it was cancer or operable. Just that we needed to be seen immediantly.

We were all in shock but Sharla really wanted to go to her Youth Dynamics meeting which was starting soon so even though we were reluctant and Sharla still was feeling terrible we dropped her off at her meeting. It was important for her to see her friends and start processing the fact that something very serious was wrong with her.

Next week The mtg with the Neurosurgeon.

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